I am officially 2/5ths of the way finished with graduate school. This time next year I'll be finished with school FOREVER...FOR--EVER (insert "Sandlot" voice here). We (as in first year speechies) survived speech science, neuro, language disorders,and another clinic class. A few of us even survived a particular clinic placement!
The neuro exam had a few surprise questions on it, but all that matters now is that it is over! And you have no idea how amazing it felt to put all my clients' working folders into my supervisor's box to show her I was completely finished with them! I had a supervisor meeting, which went fine. Then my group met to do this final project for language disorders class. She gave us this assignment last week! Not cool considering finals and all the final clinic paperwork.
When I got to go home, the first thing I did was scratch off all my to-do list items on my bathroom mirror. Yes, I write in phonetics on my mirror...
I don't think I've ever mentioned by obsession with baking cakes on here. Well I do have one. In the past month, I've made 7 cakes and a set of mini-cakes. Yesterday I made an ice skate cake to honor my roomie's birthday. I just winged it, and I must say I think it turned out quite well.
Then last night a group of us speechies were going to go bowling. Unfortunately, the bowling alley is closed on Mondays! What's up with that?! So we instead just chilled on the roof of a bar on Beale street. It was fun! It's so weird to think I'm not going to see those girls and boy for a month!
Today I will begin my adventure of a May spent in the natural state with a majority of the time being in Fayetteville. I suppose I need to get to some more laundry and packing...
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