Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I had to sit up front in class...WEIRD

My third semester as a grad student is underway. This evening in class I had to sit in the very front row...GASP! I typically sit in the back of the classroom. It may not be conducive to my learning, but I like it. I walked in class two minutes before it started (I would have been there earlier, but I was finishing icing the butterfly cake for Maggie's birthday) to find my "typical" seat taken and the only seats still available in the FRONT row. I made my way up front and sat down in a chair that was on the left side of the room. I usually sit on the right side so this seat was completely opposite from my normal. It felt awkward!

My first two days have gone well. I actually have binders for the semester (with cupcakes on them). Score! My binders now have two syllabi and some clinic stuff in them. My goal is to continue actually putting things in the ring part of the binder. Think I can keep this up?

My aural rehab class seems like it'll be interesting but very LONG (4 hours and 10 minutes every Monday). We went through 90 slides yesterday (that's right ninety). I actually typed up an outline for these slides and even read 25 pages of a book we have to write a paper on. This paper isn't even due until August 2nd so I'm proud of myself for this early start. Eager beaver.

My langugage disorders in adults clas seems like it'll be interesting. It's only 2 hours because it's split up into two evenings a week (T TH).

Clinic this morning was interesting. I'll definitely have quite a challenge, but it should be fun! I'll get to learn about assistive technology at my assistantship tomorrow. I'm excited! I'll typically have it MWF, but my supervisor is out of town.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

June is here, which means my return to grad school

I had to leave my little dream world June 1st. May FLEW by! It didn't listen to me when I told it to slow down. Upon my arrival back, I felt like I had only been gone for 4 days instead of 4 weeks.

My May break was FABULOUS! This would not have been so if it wasn't for my amazing boyfriend and friends. I just LOVE NWA!!!

Yesterday was orientation. We have to go to orienation at the beginning of every semester because we have to get our clinic placements and meet with our supervisors. I am excited about my placements even if one of them is going to give me more than 3 times the number of hours in child language therapy required (I already have more than double what I need). I'll get adult clients for the first time, which kind of makes me nervous. ..