Thursday, April 29, 2010

Where'd marker go?!

The last week of therapy and class has commenced. Now the real stress of the semester begins in the form of summary reports, final SOAPS, treatment plans, discharge forms, apparently testing summary forms, and finals. Oh and I should mention nothing could be done of the first three things the past two days due to the clinic's server being down. Yes, during the worst possible time for it be down. I REALLY REALLY hope everything is back up and working by tomorrow. All this needs to be finished by Monday, So in 4 days. Ahhhhhhh!!!

The second to last day of therapy something AMAZING happened. A client made a funny by doing what I had modeled all semester as an early developing question--show marker, put in lap, ask "Where'd marker go?" and gesture where with arms, pull from lap and say "in my lap" in response to the question. It was absolutely adorable and awesome to see!

Tomorrow morning will be the speech science final exam. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Who ever thought I would actually be able to read single word spectrograms?! Now I just hope I can do it on the exam... I'm oddly not really too worried about the test even though I should be! I think I'm just ready to get it over with. I've studied and just don't know what else to do. Only time will tell if I'm prepared...

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